Can I buy a house with student loan debt?

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Discover how to buy a house while paying off student loans. (Yes, we're totally serious.)

梦想着自己的小角落,但也在努力解决学生贷款债务? Don't fret!


In this article, we'll walk through the mortgage process, address underwriters' concerns, 找到一个平衡点,用学生贷款债务买房子成为现实,同时保持你的财务状况.

The Mortgage Process.


When you apply for a mortgage, lenders will dive into your financial history, income, credit score, and existing debts. 这将有助于确定你的购买力,以及你有资格获得的贷款金额.


当你能够确定你的预算并获得抵押贷款金额的预先批准时, 然后你就可以雇佣一个房地产经纪人,开始寻找你梦想中的家!

有关购房旅程的全面指导,请下载 Complete Guide to Buying the Home You Love. 这个没有行话的路线图涵盖了12个步骤,你可以自信地购买你梦想中的房子, 不管你是第一次买房还是有经验的房主.

The Student Loan Factor.

不幸的是,对于大多数大学毕业生来说,学生贷款债务是一个现实. In fact, 51% of undergraduate students use federal loans at some point. 学生债务与大学毕业生的比例如此惊人, there has to be a way to get the dream home you want, while still paying on those pesky loans. And good news, there is.

Lenders are aware of the weight of student loan debt, 他们会关注你的债务收入比(DTI)来衡量你的借贷能力. To keep the harmony between student loans and homeownership, it's essential to address your DTI ratio.

深呼吸,回顾你的预算,找出你可以减少其他债务的地方. 减少信用卡余额或合并其他贷款可能是朝着正确方向迈出的一步. By lowering your DTI ratio, 你会向贷款人表明,你可以优雅地管理房屋所有权和学生贷款义务.



Steps to buy a house with student loan debt.

  1. Nurture your credit score: 把你的信用评分想象成一个需要定期培育的花园. 为了保持繁荣,定期检查信用报告. 寻找任何不受欢迎的意外,比如错误,并尽快解决它们. 通过及时付款和负责任地使用信用卡来提高你的分数. 一个健康的信用评分将为你未来的财务状况打下坚实的基础.

  2. Maintain a good DTI ratio: 避免承担更多的债务,无论是个人贷款、汽车贷款还是额外的信用卡债务. More debt means higher monthly payments, which increases your DTI. Remember, DTI isn’t just about debt; it's also about income. 如果你有机会(通过加薪)增加收入, new job, or side gig), this can lower your DTI and make you more appealing to lenders.

  3. Find an understanding lender: 在处理学生贷款债务和房屋所有权时,与合适的金融机构合作至关重要. 寻找有与学生贷款借款人打交道经验的贷款人. 一个善解人意的贷款人会更愿意指导你完成抵押贷款过程,并提供最适合你情况的贷款条款.

    If you’re looking for your first home to purchase, consider the First Time Homebuyer Loan Program. 首次购房者贷款计划是容易获得和负担得起的, 对于那些希望购买第一套住房的人来说,首付只需3%.
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  4. Get pre-approved: 在为买房之旅做好准备之后,是时候寻求抵押贷款的预先批准了. 把预先批准看作是一个可靠的向导,为你的道路提供稳定. 有一份预批准信在手会让你清楚地了解你的预算和你能负担多少房子. 这些知识将使你有信心驾驭房地产市场, 向卖家证明你是一个认真的合格买家. *Insert hair flip*

  5. Start saving for a down payment: 最后但并非最不重要的是,让我们谈谈最后一步:为首付存钱. It's time to demonstrate some responsible financial skills! 做一个预算,从收入中拨出一部分作为首付基金. 目标是首付至少为房屋购买价的20%. Steady saving will help you build up a substantial down payment, 哪一种方式能带来更好的贷款条件和更低的月供. 

    Ready to kickstart the saving process? Join our 60 Days to Save 1k savings challenge to kick start yours. 有一个易于遵循的储蓄计划和一个可下载的储蓄跟踪器, 你很快就可以为未来的房子付首付款了! 

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So, can I do it?

在房屋所有权和学生贷款债务之间找到微妙的平衡需要仔细规划, financial insight, and a bit of patience. Nurture your credit score, manage your DTI ratio, seek understanding lenders, obtain preapproval, and save consistently for a down payment. 通过以下步骤,您将优雅地导航到房屋所有权的路径.

Remember, 这是关于找到正确的节奏,在你的房屋所有权梦想和管理你的学生贷款义务之间取得完美的平衡. 因此,采取自信的步骤,下定决心冒险进入房屋所有权的领域!

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